There should be 4 of us. Both 1 of my dear fren would make it in the last minute. Leaving a imaginary tour of what it shall be like.
My bed mate. We shared a single bed & my butt's still safe. The soap in the shower too. He's cacing ayam. My fren would call him this way. So macho & handsome that a certain lady would take a pic with him. Asking 4 his contact info as well. He toured as if everything's free & every step is a memory.
&...all the photos taken showing his face brightly white. He would be cheered up.
Then Mrs. John. a.k.a 贵妇。She fell in to a self-claimed romantic affair with our Angkor's heroic driver. Whom she would call him: my John John...She dressed up very well & looked like a giant dead fish just after 1 or 2 hours journey. She speaks loud but remained silence when he face looked like a hantu.
If the camera accidentally shot her slimmer, she would be grateful.
As of myself, better leaving empty. Let them speak 1 day if they do read my story.
We had a very great journey. The nonsense is up to the limit which you would feel so geli. Most of them were SEX related!!
We take care of each other & tolerate each other. & we survived a lousiest landing by Airasia. Which get a thumbs down from a mat salleh lady. 
They're such a marvellous tour mates. & AK of course. Accompanying me in HK before. The time spent together is just fun-packed. Recommended!! & I'm lookin' forward 4 yet another journey with them someday. Truly.
1 comment:
Angkor looks sooo beautiful, nice pics by the way. it's one of the places i have on my 'must travel to' list!!
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